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英文求职信-Building / Real Estate - Construction Officer

2013-08-13 01:10
导读:讲话稿范文,英文求职信-Building / Real Estate - Construction Officer应该怎么写,有什么格式要求,科教范文网提供的这篇文章是一个很好的范例:dear mr ho application for the position of construction officeri am applying for the

dear mr ho
application for the position of construction officer

i am applying for the above position you advertised in jobspower.com on april 7. i will complete my building construction degree and graduate from any university in may. it is my wish to join a company that has your excellent reputation.

as you may know, any university is among the few universities that offers a specialized degree for the construction industry. in addition to my academic qualification, i have worked as a carpenter and an assistant construction officer in the last two summers.

i am confident that my building construction degree, along with my experience in the construction industry, makes me an excellent candidate for your job. i would appreciate the opportunity to discuss with you personally about my application in detail.

thank you for your consideration.

yours sincerely

steven cheung


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