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英文求职信:Letters of Applying for 

2013-04-28 18:38
导读:讲话稿范文,英文求职信:Letters of Applying for 范文样本,在线游览或下载,科教范文网海量范文供你参考:  dear sir or madam:  your advertisement in www.51job.com appealed to me for two re

  dear sir or madam:

  your advertisement in www.51job.com appealed to me for two reasons. you plan to open a new branch of media books chain bookstores; i seek the opportunity to manage a newly-opened store. i am also interested in building my career in the publishing industry .therefore; i have decided to submit my resume in application for the position of store manager.

  my relevant experience includes three years as a chef in kunming new knowledge chain bookstores in unman province and my current position as assistant store manager of new china in beijing.

  i look forward to discussing opportunity at media books with you. i will call you nest week to make sure you have received my resume and to set up a mutually agreeable time for us to speak.

  yours truly,


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