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2013-09-28 01:12
导读:文秘范文范文,父亲节专题——美父亲的英文名句在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教范文网提供各种参考范例:1. "I watched a small man with thick calluses on both hands work fifteen and sixteen hours a day. I s
1. "I watched a small man with thick calluses on both hands work fifteen and sixteen hours a day. I saw him once literally bleed from the bottoms of his feet, a man who came here uneducated, alone, unable to speak the language, who taught me all I needed to know about faith and hard work by the simple eloquence of his example." -- Mario Cuomo
2. "It doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was." -- Anne Sexton
3. "I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection." -- Sigmund Freud
4."That is the thankless position of the father in the family-the provider for all, and the enemy of all." -- J. August Strindberg
5. "One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters." -- English Proverb
6."A king, realizing his incompetence, can either delegate or abdicate his duties. A father can do neither. -Marlene Dietrich
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