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2013-03-21 16:06
导读:保证书范文,MCG质量保证书应该怎么写,有什么格式要求,科教范文网提供的这篇文章是一个很好的范例:mcg 10 year warranty mcg的十年质量保证   should the basic surge

mcg 10 year warranty



should the basic surge protector assembly suffer damage while in service, mcg will replace the unit immediately, without charge and without quibbling. this offer is good for ten years from the date of purchase.
从购买之日起,有效期为十年。 unlimited free replacement of movs & fuses
终生免费更换mov模块和保险 大学排名



should any module or fuse need to be replaced in one of mcg's modular surge protectors, mcg will replace them without charge for the life of the installation.
如mcg模块式电涌防护器的mov模块和保险需要更换,mcg将终生免费包换。 warranty claims
索取质量保证的程序 (转载自科教范文网http://fw.nseac.com,请保留。)



to claim under this warranty, the customer must notify any authorized mcg agent or representative in china (or directly to mcg international headquarters) with the following information:


1)name of buyer 买方的名称
2)proof of purchase 购物凭证
3)short statement of the problem 简要的故障说明 中国大学排名

upon receipt of the above, mcg will replace the unit immediately without charge.
在收到上述文件后,mcg将立即无偿更换被损的电涌防护器。 (科教范文网发布http://fw.ΝsΕΑc.com,请保留此标记。)

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