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青春列车——今日重新出发! (转载自科教范文网http://fw.nseac.com,请保留。)
New train - a new start today!
青春列车,今日重新出发;新的起点,我们携手努力! (转载自中国科教评价网http://www.NSEAC.com,请保留。
New trains, today re-starting the new starting point, we work hand in hand! 大学排名
New train - a new start today! A new starting point - we work hand in hand!
金秋送爽喜迎八方学子 校庆飘韵共祝美好明天!
Sent to celebrate the cool autumn celebration of P Plus students were floating Yun wish a better tomorrow!
金秋送爽喜迎八方学子 丹桂飘香共祝美好明天!
Sent to celebrate the cool autumn orange osmanthus fragrance of P Plus students wish a better tomorrow!
新学期 新气象 百尺竿头 更进一步
The new semester new head further weather continuing success
迎接新学年,迎接新同学! 本文来自中国科教评价网
The new school year, meet new students!
To all students, to students of all
Choose your love, love your choice 内容来自www.nseac.com
今日交院学子 ,明日国家栋梁!
Today, students pay hospital, the national pillars of tomorrow! 内容来自www.nseac.com
Start ideal wings, and forging of national leaders
By the World Bank do pillars of the economy, Seasky exhibition Xiongcai
Health gathered happily autumn Festival, arouse Chung celebration of youth (转载自科教范文网http://fw.NSEAC.com,请保