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家长会演讲稿 | 学生会演讲稿 | 清明节演讲稿 | 感恩演讲稿 | 国庆节演讲稿 | 开学发言稿 | 征文演讲 | 高考演讲 | 春节演讲 | 和谐社会演讲稿 | 就职演讲 | 领导讲话


2014-06-27 01:14
导读:演讲稿范文范文,世博会双语演讲稿怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教范文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:  Four Pavilions along the Central Axis the major permanent buildings within the Expo Site. They
  Four Pavilions along the Central Axis the major permanent buildings within the Expo Site. They refer to the Expo Axis, China Pavilion, Theme Pavilions, Expo Center, and Expo Performance Center. The Expo Axis is the main axis in Pudong Expo Site, leasing to the four pavilions through overhead and underground connections. The Expo Axis, the main traffic hinge in Pudong Site, also connects with the Elevated Pedestrian’ Walk. This Axis will guide visitors to different pavilions in Pudong Site.
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