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2013-05-22 01:29
ladies and gentlemen:
greetings and welcome.
i'm so glad you're here today.

here's some advice.
cherish your job.
appreciate it like a gift.

it's your "bread and butter."
it's your opportunity to shine.
hrer's how to enjoy your "9 to 5."

first,master your job.
be fully qualified.
be an expert at every task.

try to increase your efficiency.
try to do more every day.
always push yourself to improve.

strive for perfection.
strive to be the best.
your sense of achievement will soar.

second,have faith in your job.
believe in what you're doing.
believe it's valuable and important.

view your job as a duty.
view your work as your mission.
be assured it's a worthy cause.

know you're being productive.
know you're benefiting others.
that brings job satisfaction.

third,like what you're doing.
be in love with your job.
be convinced it's a terrific position.

focus on the advantages.
focus on the positive aspects.
take pride in your ability and effort.

thrive on the accomplishments.
thrive on your achievements.
thrive on feeling good.

fourth,make it fun every day.
make it like playing a game.
maintain a healthy sense of humor.

always look on the bright side.
try joking with colleagues.
try asking yourself funny questions.

ask yourself:why do i have to work?
dear god,please save me!
please help me win the lottery!

finally,realize your job is a privilege.
be grateful you have one.
be thankful you're not unemployed.

remember to master your job.
make it fun and have faith.
make every task you undertake a piece of cake.

the secret is not in doing what you like.
the secret is in liking what you do.
god bless you and enjoy your job.
    上一篇:小学生演讲稿:祖国在我心中 下一篇:没有了