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2013-03-22 01:51
导读:英语演讲稿范文,鼓动号召-英语演讲结尾术欣赏样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教范文网提供的这篇文章不错:*With Agitation & Appeal#鼓动号召结尾术欣赏  Fly then to arms: let a ho
*With Agitation & Appeal
  Fly then to arms: let a holy rage animate you in the fight, and let the Christian world resound with these words of the prophet, "Cursed be he who does not stain his sword with blood!" If the calls you to the defense of His heritage think not that His legions angels or breathe one word and all his enemies would crumble away into dust? But God has considered the sons of men, to open for them the road to His mercy. His goodness has caused to dawn for you a day of safety by calling on you to avenge His glory and His name.
  Christian warriors, He who gave His life for you, today demands yours in return. These are combats worthy of you, combat in which it is glorious to conquer and advantageous to die. Illustrious knights, generous defenders of the Cross, remember the examples of your fathers who conquered Jersusale, and whose names are inscribed in Heaven; abandon then the things that perish, to gather unfading palms, and conquer a Kingdom which has no end.
--From St. Bernard:"A Second Crusade"
  And love, young men, loves and venerates the ideal. The ideal is the word of God. High above every country, high above humanity, is the country of spirit, the city of the soul, in which all are brethren who believe in the inviolability of thought and in the dignity of our immortal soul; and the baptism of this fraternity is martyrdom. From that high sphere spring the principles, which alone can redeem the peoples. Arise from the sake of these, and not from impatience of suffering or dread of evil, anger, pride, ambition, and the desire of material prosperity are arms common alike to the peoples and their oppressors, and even should you conquer with these today, you would fall again tomorrow, but principles belong to the peoples alone and their oppressors can find no arms to oppose them. Adore enthusiasm, the dreams of the virgin soul, and the visions of early youth, for they are a perfume of paradise, which the soul retains in issuing from the hands of its Creator. Respect above all things your conscience; have upon our lips the truth implanted by God in your hearts, and, while laboring in harmony, even with those who differ from you, in all that tends to the emancipation of our soil, yet ever bear your own banner erect and boldly promulgate your own faith.
  Such words, young men, would the martyrs of Cosines have spoken, had they been living amongst you; and here, where it may be that, invoked by our love, their holy spirits hover near us, I call upon you to gather them up in your hearts and to make of them a treasure amid the storms that yet threaten you; storms which, with the name of our martyrs on your lips and their faith in your hearts, you will overcome.
  God be with you, and lest Italy!
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