讲话稿 | 庆典致辞 | 婚丧嫁娶 | 开业开幕 | 会议主持 | 会议发言 | 党风廉政 | 党政报告 | 科教文卫 | 办公厅室 | 城建环保 | 安全稳定 | 妇女节 | 慰问信 | 导游词
广播稿 | 人大政协 | 思想宣传 | 群众团体 | 经济工作 | 工矿企业 | 财税统计 | 发展改革 | 农林牧渔 | 组织人事 | 工商计生 | 乡镇街道 | 儿童节 | 国旗下 | 国庆节
祝寿词 | 新年致辞 | 年会聚会 | 圣诞元旦 | 欢迎宴会 | 联欢晚会 | 毕业升学 | 开学典礼 | 交通运输 | 民营招商 | 党建党委 | 劳动保障 | 清明节 | 中秋节 | 教师节


Welcome to XXX University.

I am so pleasured to say that from today you will become a member of our big family. For everyone, entering university means a new chapter of your life, and will leave one of the most exciting phases in your memory.

It will not only bring valuable opportunities for you to extend the knowledge and skills, to develop new friendships, but also a necessary preparation to face the real society.

Our XXX University has undergone 64 hard years of development. Following the idea of running a university withCherishing Talents and Embracing Diversity and Excellence,we has formed its distinguishing features of running a university with comprehensive subjects and integrates talents.

In order to improve the cultural exchange as well as the co-operation among the medcial universitys in goble,the foreign students' education program is being conducted, which is fully in English medium, to creat a favorable learning atmosphere for foreign students. We have invitied the qualified teachers from a number of countries with multiple cultures and will continue to bring more foreign teachers for you.Our goal is to provide the high quality education,advanced teaching equipments,co-operative administration and innovative teaching methodology.

We sincerely welcome international friends,experts and scholars to teach or exchange at XXX University and spread the seeds of civilization.Meanwhile,we welcome foreign students to study here and appreciate China's civilition with a history of 5,000 years.Venerable oriental civilized nation welcome you,marvelous XXX welcome you,XXX University welcome you.

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